Syntax of JSON

Basically Syntax of JSON is the subset of the JavaScript syntax. It has following notation: Data is represented in name/value pairs. The name/value pairs are separated by , (comma). Curly braces hold objects. Square brackets hold arrays. Below is a example of Syntax of JSON: {“students”:[ {“Name”:”Tim”, “Age”:”25″}, {“Name”:”John”, “Age”:”30″}, {“Name”:”Jane”, “Age”:”45″} ]} So, students[0].Name […]

HTML Entities

In many different language HTML language is used. So it contains different types of symbols or entities which are not english alphabet. These entities starts with ampersand character and finish with semicolor character. For e.g. &quot; Here is a list of entities examples: &quot; “ &apos; ‘ &amp; & &lt; < &gt; > &pound; £ […]

The URLs

URLs or Uniform Resource Locator is location of html document web. It consists of three parts i.e. Protocol, Domain and Resource path. For e.g. where http is protocol, is domain and index.php is resource path. It also has a query string i.e. So the query string for the above url is: ?value=1&page=3 […]