URLs or Uniform Resource Locator is location of html document web. It consists of three parts i.e. Protocol, Domain and Resource path.
For e.g. http://www.namasteui.com/index.php where http is protocol, www.namasteui.com is domain and index.php is resource path.
It also has a query string i.e.
So the query string for the above url is: ?value=1&page=3 which is a name=value pair.
A URL is also contain fragment identifier.
For e.g.
It is added after the # character. So for above example the fragment identifier is “fragmentValue”.
Type of URLs:
Static URL: A static URL is one which does not change, so it does not contain any query string. It looks like this:
Dynamic URL: A dynamic URL can be changed depends on query string appended in url. Usually, a dynamic URL would look like this:

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