Reset auto increment values in MySQL

When you assign one field as a primary key you can use auto-increment attribute to that field. It generates unique identity for the row inserting a unique auto increment value. You can also reset auto […]
MySQL in Namaste UI focused on mysql dbms, mysql tools, mysql database, mysql software, mysrl app, mysql server, learn mysql online, sql tutorial and mysql tutorial.
When you assign one field as a primary key you can use auto-increment attribute to that field. It generates unique identity for the row inserting a unique auto increment value. You can also reset auto […]
Using MySQL you can COMMIT a statement and ROLLBACK to manage transaction. While adding a data into two or more tables where one primary key for one table is the foreign key of another table […]
Using ‘replace’ you can find and replace text of a column in a table. Example of Replace text: UPDATE `tbl` SET `field_name` = replace(field_name, ‘old_text’, ‘new_text’); Namaste UI (Author)Namaste UI collaborates closely with clients to […]
To insert data into tables you can use MySQL INSERT statement. Simple syntax of MySQL INSERT: INSERT INTO table(column1,column2..) VALUES (value1,value2,..), (value1,value2,..); You can also insert from another table also i.e. clone: INSERT INTO tbl_1 […]
Using MySQL LIKE operator you can search based on patterns. It is used in the WHERE clause in SELECT statement. This basically use two characters for using the MySQL LIKE operator: ‘%’ – allows you […]
Using MySQL delete state you can delete table data. With a single delete statement you can delete one or more tables data at a time. Example of MySQL DELETE: DELETE FROM users WHERE status = […]
Few Mysql queries that will help you develop websites and resolve complex codes. Here are few Mysql Query tips: Finding 2nd highest salary in employee table SELECT MAX(`salary`) from tbl where `salary` < (select MAX(`salary`) […]
Subquery in MySQL means Query inside another query on SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. A subquery must be enclosed with parentheses and can be used anywhere in an expression. The main advantages of subqueries is […]
To maintain MySQL Database tables efficiently you need to analysis, optimize, check and repair database tables frequently. Tips for Maintaining MySQL Database Tables: Analyze table: analyze the table for optimize. ANALYZE TABLE table_name; Optimize table: […]
Using MySQL Table Locking you can lock a table explicitly for preventing other sessions for a interval. Releasing a table lock can be granted for a client session only but not for other sessions. Here is […]