Dependency Tracking – KnockoutJS

Using a single object called dependency tracker i.e. ko.dependencyDetection you can determine when the value get updated. When you declare a computed observable, KO immediately gets its initial value and updated computed observable. Lets see an example for Dependency Tracking: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Dependency Tracking – KnockoutJS</title> <script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script> </head> <body> <div> <form […]

Components of KnockoutJS

Components are way of organizing the UI code for structure wise and promote code re-usability for a large application. Components can be registered using the ko.components.register() API. ko.components.register(‘componentname’, { viewModel: {…}, template: {….) }); <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Components of KnockoutJS</title> <script src=””></script> </head> <body> <h4>Example 1: without parameters</h4> <div data-bind=’component: “example-editor”‘></div> <h4>Example 2: passing parameters</h4> […]

jQuery tips and tricks

In this article you will learn about few jQuery tips and tricks of interesting. Until you practice, you will not be able to be master of jQuery. jQuery tips: To check if checkbox is checked: if ($(“#checkID”).is(‘:checked’)) { … } or if ($(‘#checkID’).attr(‘checked’)) { … } Check whether an element exists or not: if ($(“#myDIV”).length) […]