Images in HTML
In html document, images are added via img element where the src attribute contains the url to the image path. Images example: <img src=”image.jpg”> There are different types of image format like jpg, png, gif, […]
Html in Namaste UI focused on html code, simple html website code, html code for making website, learn to code html, html complete course and html tutorial.
In html document, images are added via img element where the src attribute contains the url to the image path. Images example: <img src=”image.jpg”> There are different types of image format like jpg, png, gif, […]
This is meta information about your html document. It is not visible to the browser. For SEO purpose meta tags are used and written between head tags. Meta Tags: <head><meta name=”keywords” content=”Html, Web design, Meta […]
Sometimes it is very tough for them who owned the website but can not modify any part of it. Rarely a non-technical person does it. You need a HTML Tricks. For any internet marketers, it […]
The iframe is used to include external html pages or other html pages inside another html page. iframe format: <iframe width=”400″ height=”300″ src=””></iframe> There are different types of attributes i.e. width, height, name, src, srcdoc, […]
To format html text several elements are used. Now day we can do this by css style. But you can still use html element for formatting. Text Formatting types: <pre> Element:<pre>The quick brown fox jumps […]
For special formatting, div and span elements are used. You need to add styles in css for proper formatting or looks and feel. The difference between <div> and <span> is <div> is displayed as a […]
To create any links in HTML internal or external <a> element is used. Clicking on this link user goes to another page or another external url. Normal links looks like: <a href=””>Click here</a> You can […]
In html there are set of elements that are needed to create tables. Table can be created using <table> element.Each row of a tables are defines via <tr> element and each cell are defines via […]
In html two different lists of elements are present i.e. unordered list and ordered list. Unordered lists: This lists enclosed with <ul> element and are bullet lists. <ul> <li>List 1</li> <li>List 2</li> <li>List 3</li> </ul> […]
Here you will see how the basic html document structure looks like. The page includes a doctype declaration with a html, head, title and body element. Doctype tells the browser what version oh html is […]