7 Attitude Makes Your Effective Communication Failure

Why is Effective Communication so Important in Business? “Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively.”– Theo Gold Effective Communication is most important for creating compelling brand messaging. Effective Communication shows the quality of leadership. There are four basic skills that make the Communication effective i.e., listening, […]

Internet of Things in Healthcare Industry: Benefits and Challenges

Technology is changing over the years industry to industry phenomenally. The healthcare industry has been witnessed with rapid technological changes. Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare is driving the present healthcare business development and demonstrating the way for the next generation. IoT is transforming the healthcare app development industry to the next level. IoT applications […]

Démarrage d’une entreprise: What Else Can You Do With an Entrepreneurship Degree

There are at least two major misconceptions regarding entrepreneurship degrees that negatively impact the decision-making process of so many people. First is that this type of institutions serve no purpose because someone with an entrepreneurial spirit has not much to learn in school past secondary education (which is wrong). Second is that entrepreneurship degrees serve […]