3 Need-to-Know Features for Effective eLearning Search Functions

Perhaps unsurprisingly to many of use, Google handles over 3.5 billion searches a day, which equates to around 40,000 searches every single second. These are some outstanding statistics and just goes to show the reach that the search engine giant has when it comes to providing people and businesses around the world with the information […]

Android App Development for Business

Android is an open source Linux based operating system containing Java library entirely aimed for evolving the use of mobile devices. The revolutionary system is a fast growing operating system which is highly adapted due to its extensive features, trimmed costs of ownership and facilities that give endless opportunities for the developers. This favourable OS […]

Newest Digital Trends That Are Transforming Marketing In 2018

This article takes the deep look on few significant trends of the year that has transformed the marketing. These new trends closely help in showing up the new opportunities to innovate the marketing with new ideas and strategies. No marketing strategy is new, however big data and analytics, automation in marketing, content marketing or Email […]