This article takes the deep look on few significant trends of the year that has transformed the marketing. These new trends closely help in showing up the new opportunities to innovate the marketing with new ideas and strategies. No marketing strategy is new, however big data and analytics, automation in marketing, content marketing or Email marketing have continued to make their impact on the marketing and many businesses. Digital Marketing always is in boom and it has got to come up with new innovations and trends every day with the increase in the size of the brand of the business.
Use of AI in Data Analytics and Upcoming video ads: every customer-driven is adopting the AI today, but it is also important to ensure about its performance which may help or may not help the business on the backend. AI helps many business profiles in taking a dig towards the data and accuracy and helping the same in reaching the target with more effectiveness.
82% of internet traffic is been created by the video marketing as per the recent study. Videos create the wide hub among the viewers and come up with new ideas and content to hold their attention. So eventually it is expected that all web platforms and social media will have number of ads only varying with content depending on the size of the brand of the business. Videos leave behind an impression among the customers and hence are of great importance in marketing. It has the power of bringing the visualisation among the public.
Use of Internet of Things: with the number of applications of IoT its network is been expanded more than 30% and there is a growth and requirement of different products and applications. This network will help in getting lots of data and manage to track the information. The collaboration of Internet of things and Analytics is the most promising one which we will be seeing in 2018 making its own impact in the growth of digital marketing. IoT has the greatest impact in the areas of healthcare, education and development and manufacturing of products. Adoption of all these techniques or trends is helping the business to perform with higher efficiency and changing the traditional methods to modern required ones.
Study of the customers: it is called success if digital marketing has a tool to translate the journey of the customer in term of data as data-driven marketing is always a powerful tool. This requires the thorough study of the consumer that what appeals to them in every path of their marketing journey and what design touch they are actually looking for. All it requires is self-thinking imagining ourselves as the customers.
Visualisation of content marketing: the base of any Content Marketing Company India in term of digital is content marketing. However, it all depends on the expectations and the nature of the content and there are many different types of contents based on the type of distribution channels. So it is always hard to hard to say which way of content writing will fetch the marketing progress. However, day by day visual content is making its news paving the way for many writers and editors. Many senior-level executives believe that content-personalisation is the main aspect of customer targeting. There is also a new trend upcoming in terms of data visualisation, videos, images and info-graphics.
Social Media Opportunities: this the opportunity that includes the sharing of the links through native mobile apps or through email messages or in the mode of conversation using WhatsApp. However, the marketers don’t have perfect visibility in this data they can still track and it is becoming way easier.
New ways offered by Blockchain: today blockchain offers many new ways to track everything online. One base offered by blockchain is Advertising, which is able to define and verify the time consumed by an ad and the duration is been tracked. It also compensates the consumer for their time and attention. Ensuring about the influencers having the real followers instead of bots and identifying the sponsored contests, blockchain prevents the ads from being over-served.
Apps with a mobile-optimized website benefits: there are many mobile-optimized apps with beneficial websites which provides an accessible and convenient format. Many brands invest in the development of the app and involve is discovering new features. As these apps are developed based on the size of the brand, often they provide a better experience. As people expected to take off tablets as the new way of doing business as they were relatable easy to manage the data carrying it anywhere. Though apps cannot replace the websites, their well mobile optimized website with benefits is driving their growth for adoption and love for such apps is been increasing.
Digital marketing always keeps an eye on the new trends vanishing, the old traditional methods. It always comes with new opportunities for many aspiring ones in the marketing field with the indulgence of technology. All the new trends with their different moves bring the rapid growth in the digital marketing. The only thing these trends entering the business of different brand require attention and more visibility to reach out the customers. The customers’ demand the integrated experience has emerged out the new technologies with advanced features.
Sunny Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs. Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Social Media Marketing Services. He would love to share thoughts on Network Marketing Software, Social Media Marketing Services, Game Design Development and Digital Marketing etc..