.NET is a computer programming framework created by Microsoft that runs on Microsoft Windows version. Developers use this framework to create web and desktop applications for the use in an efficient manner.
.NET serves as both a business strategy and its collection of programming language support for what is known as web services from Microsoft. Web service is the capability to use web rather than your personal computer to various services.
The primary goal of Microsoft is to hand over indivisible and business users with an ordered interoperable and Web-enabled interface for software applications and also for electronic computing devices. The .Net platform serves; building blocks services and device software.
.NET is central to Microsoft’s development strategy and is the organization’s competition to java. Applications that are built in.Net is based on a common security model.
.NET Core is a general purpose objective development platform developed by Microsoft and the .NET community. ASP.NET is freely available on the internet. .NET Core is an open source server-side programming framework and the next generation of .NET. It provides cross-platform service and can be used to create applications which are based on the server side and also cloud-based applications that run on various kinds of operating systems. .NET Core does not support the desktop based application with the user interface. There are various versions of .NET available worldwide.
.NET Core 2.0 was liberated on August 14, 2017. It is supported for 3 months after the release of a new version of .NET and recently Microsoft announced the new version of .NET i.e. .NET Core 2.1. This new version of .NET Core was released on May 30, 2018.
Microsoft announced the availability of .NET Core2.1 which is the latest version of .NET Core 2.0 framework. Forget everything else improved in .NET Core 2.1 version, one sufficient feature that for you make a move to .NET Core 2.0 framework i.e., performance.
.NET Core 2.1 framework is faster than any other version of the .NET framework.
.NET Core 2.1 framework –
For using this new version of .NET Core firstly you need Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac.
It is necessary that you can upgrade to the new version because .NET Core 2.0 framework will reach the end of life for Microsoft support in October 2018. There are no shattering changes only a couple of useful additions. One of the additions is global tools.
.NET Core 2.1 framework performance –
One of the most important additional features in the new version of .NET Core 2.1 framework was its performance, both build-time, and execution time performance. There is an ongoing main aim of Microsoft is to squeeze every bit of delay from the code.
Execution time performance improvement occurs in many areas and it is hard to get a single value, but these have benefited a good offer:
Devirtualization where the just in time compiler is able to statically examine the goal for virtual method invocations.
- Optimization of boxing, ignoring and allocating objects in the heap memory of the disk.
- Reducing allocations by introducing new application interfaces.
- Reducing lock contention in low-level cases and threading primitives.
- The enumeration in the file system.
- Optimization in networking security.
In norms, the JIT compiler is much faster and smarter now and can optimize common scenarios.
Upgrade to .NET Core 2.1
Microsoft recently releases the new version of .NET Core, so to update your previous version of .NET Core you should follow the instructions that are given below:
- Migrate from .NET Core 2.0 to 2.1
- Migrate from ASP .NET Core 2.0 to 2.1
.NET Core 2.1 will be a long-term release, we recommend that you can upgrade your Asp.Net Core web development.
Changes coming with NET Core 2.1 version:
- SignalR –
If you do not know about signalR, it is a real-time library that allows communication from the server to the client and it just works in almost any web browser, including mobile ones. So SignalR is also released for ASP.NET Core.
- Razor Class Libraries –
Now it is possible to extend .cshtml files in assemblies, which simply means it can also be designed to NuGet.
- New partial tag helper –
This is the new syntax to render partial views.
- Identity UI library and scaffolding –
ASP.NET Core identity library for authentication along with user interface is deployed on the same NuGet package as included .cshtml files.
- Virtual authentication schemes –
Now you can fix different authentication providers like cookies and bearer tokens in the same application very easily. Virtual here means that you can fix a moniker name, and then deal with the way you want to deal.
- Generic host builder –
A host is what runs your web application. In the new version of NET Core 2.1, a new HostBuilder class library was imported that permits you to configure the many aspects of your application, from the dependency injection and configuration provider from the very start. This will allow non-HTTP scenarios because this is not attached to HTTP in any way,
Microsoft policy for .NET Core
Microsoft has released supported policy for using .NET Core. It includes two release type policies: LTS and Current. .NET Core is a current release that includes many other features.
LTS- Here is this, the policy includes the features along with the components that are meant to be maintained and may require updates in the longer run. These releases are a good option for hosting applications that you do not need to update often.
Current- In this policy release includes features and components that are new and that may change in the future according to feedbacks by the users. These releases are a good option for active applications, giving you access to use the updated features. You may need to update the .NET Core releases more often to stay in support.
Both types of releases are good throughout their lifetime for security, reliability or add new functionality for new operating system versions. You should stay up to date with the latest technology.
James Warner – Highly skilled, experienced and Sr Magento Certified Developer at Aegis Soft Tech. He has expert in Magento eCommerce Web Development and bright technology knowledge to develop IT business system which includes user friendly access and advanced features.
Thanks for the timely reminder about the end of life for .NET Core 2.0. It’s a great opportunity to leverage the latest features in newer versions.