Should You Use Chat GPT or Assignment Writing Services for Academic Help?

Being a student is non-stop fun, only in movies. In reality, you have to deal with an avalanche of assignments, along with attending classes and prepping for tests and exams. Add holding onto a job into the mix – and you may barely have time for friends, family, or yourself! If you cannot meet all […]

How to Improve Your Academic Research Writing Skills?

Most undergraduate and postgraduate students will have to complete two types of academic research papers to be awarded their degree: their thesis and dissertation. With these types of writing assignments, students need to choose a topic and conduct the proper research, and the information gathered will serve as the foundations of their paper. Students who […]

Copywriting Master Class Influence The Psychology of Persuasion (Have You Mastered This Book)

After being sick of being a victim of salespeople and by extension marketers and advertisers, Robert Cialdini penned the book, ‘Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion.’ Cialdini believed that by writing this book he could educate consumers and buyers in all walks of life on the ways salespeople and marketers are able to persuade them to […]