Helping B2B Business Move Toward D2C: Why It’s Not as Simple as Doing a Quick Redesign

More consumers are expecting businesses to maintain an online presence and offer products and services to online markets, leading traditional B2B businesses to shift some or all their business to ecommerce to keep up with demand.  Though the D2C model seems like it should be exclusive to B2C brands, many B2B brands can add new […]

Industrial Control System USB Flash Drive Designed For ICS Security

The fourth industrial revolution or “Industry 4.0” is a term used to categorize today’s trend with industrial control systems (ICS) and how these machines interact with each other and humans. The fourth era of “industry” combines hardware, software and biology and emphasizes the advancements in communication and connectivity. When the term IoT (Internet of Things) […]

How To Put In Place A Digital Transformation Strategy For Your Business?

In the past few years, the role of technologies in changing business set-ups and organizations has played out. The advent of digital platforms and changing consumer behaviors have made businesses adapt themselves accordingly. Without aligning to technological solutions, modern businesses cannot afford to survive, let alone flourish.  Undertaking any digital transformation strategy is not easy. […]

Why You Need To Update Your Website

Presently, a website is an integral part of almost every business. Using it, a company can have its space on the web to freely promote products, connect with clients, and emphasize branding. However, while it provides benefits, maintenance requires time and work. Consequently, many company sites are still using old designs and technologies. If that’s […]