Grow and Transform Your Startup by Integrating Cloud Telephony Solutions

Startups in the realms of big data, artificial intelligence, edge computing and voice recognition showed great promise last year, as did remote healthcare providers and education services. While these domains might be up and coming, the often fragmented nature of ambitious startups – creative, but time-starved—has stayed consistent over the years. However, founders and entrepreneurs […]

9 UX Ideas and Strategies for Software Developers

User Experience should be considered the root of every part of program development. UX design is he process of creating products while carefully considering the usability and function. Successful UX Design results in a physical or digital product that enhances satisfaction and meaning for users. For software developers, User Experience design is integral for creating […]

Find out whether the virtual phone number is required by your company

Virtual telephony is an innovation that has changed the way business communication was happening. By shifting voice signal transmission on the internet from a copper-wire based system, it has made business communication cost-effective, comprehensive, and compatible with all the leading devices. This change has triggered a sense of affinity towards cloud telephony in the business […]