Pros and Cons of Creating a Website by WIX in Asia Market (Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong)

Over the past few years in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong, Wix has cemented its place as a leading website creating platform offering people a chance to create free personalized websites in a few clicks. People who wish to have more customization abilities to improve their website can do so through the platform’s paid packages. […]

6 Experts on the Future of Blockchain Technology & Applications

Blockchain Technology the – permanent, encoded, decentralized – record has a capability of making each incorporated procedure, movement, and association completely self-ruling. This implies we can wipe out mediators, experts, and agitate. While this sounds astounding it is yet a far away dream despite everything that is being attempted to bring in a change. In […]

Ten important facts about Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Advancements in the artificial intelligence technology have had a noticeable impact on various areas and on the aspects of mankind’s endeavours. Perhaps, artificial intelligence would be the main driving force in the revolution of mankind. Innovative businesses want to seize the opportunity to integrate the applications of artificial intelligence with digital marketing. As this combination […]

CakePHP interview questions and answers

CakePHP  is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications. There is number of in built component like Ajax, RequestHandler, Session etc. Question: What are the drawbacks of cakephp? Answer : The learning curve, and it loads full application before it starts your task. Its […]