The Complete Business Copywriting Guide: This Is What You Need to Know

Kudos to you. You’ve developed a new product you know everyone needs, and you’re proud of your accomplishments. You’ve put together a Facebook business page, a business plan, and have attracted a small following. Your friends and family think your new product is spectacular, and they’re sure it’s going to be a hit. The problem […]

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Mobile App Development?

Before diving into AI and Mobile App Development, let’s take a look at this timeline. The concept of Artificial Intelligence or Robotics or Machines that can think like human and make decisions like humans goes back to Antiquity and Greek Myths. Who doesn’t know about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as well as Karel Čapek’s play R.U.R. […]

5 Must-Have Apps for Freelance Copywriters

Most freelance copywriters run their businesses solo. Even those that do have an assistant are constantly looking for ways to streamline their business processes. Fortunately, there are several apps out there that make it easy for freelance copywriters to keep things simple. Here are some must-haves. Evernote Evernote is an app that lets you save […]