JavaScript Arrays

The JavaScript Arrays object is a global object that is used to store multiple values in a single variable. The JavaScript Arrays object is a global object that is used to store multiple values in a single variable i.e. collection of elements. Syntax: var cars = [ “Fiat”, “BMW”, “Nissan” ]; Note: Never put a […]

10 tools to check a website is banned by Google Adsense

One of the most popular monetization and advertising technique which is used by bloggers around the world is Google AdSense. Here we will list some Websites to check AdSense penalty for a website or domain. The best thing about AdSense are: Quality ads Timely payout Definitely a well-known brand name So, let’s see some online […]

Write For Us – Submit a Guest Post

Submit a Guest Post – Guidelines for Namaste UI. Namaste UI is a technology blog from India covering topics on blogging, business, digital marketing, SEO, finance. Increase your reach by guest blogging. Write for us. It has focus on simplicity, beautification, practising easy and straight-forward learning. We look for guest author, bloggers and guest writers […]