Is Blockchain Technology Driving Supply Chain Management?

New technologies are constantly being implemented across various industries to improve business processes and bring companies more value for less effort. One of these industries is the supply chain where there have been some challenges present for almost a decade and without successful solutions. Utilizing blockchain in supply chain management can potentially improve transparency and […]

Top web development trends in 2022

Despite the disaster from covid-19, the web development industry has been unshaken. Instead of that, the stock price of top technology and IT companies has increased magnificently. Work from home has made many companies more profit-making by a huge reduction in office expenses. In this situation, if you are good at basic programming then considering […]

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Blockchain Technology?

In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain are the most popular and disruptive technologies. Machines can simulate human intelligence and decision-making abilities using artificial intelligence. As a result, AI aims to automate repetitive tasks, boost decision-making, and improve customer satisfaction. A blockchain is a decentralized network of computers used to store and record data […]

Ten Trends of Blockchain in 2020

Blockchain will transform operations and processes in different industries and government sectors if accepted, but its acceptance requires time and effort. Blockchain technology will rouse people to get new skills, the traditional business will have to completely review their processes to crop the maximum benefits from using this promising technology. Below listed top 10 trends […]

6 Experts on the Future of Blockchain Technology & Applications

Blockchain Technology the – permanent, encoded, decentralized – record has a capability of making each incorporated procedure, movement, and association completely self-ruling. This implies we can wipe out mediators, experts, and agitate. While this sounds astounding it is yet a far away dream despite everything that is being attempted to bring in a change. In […]