Is Blockchain Technology Driving Supply Chain Management?

New technologies are constantly being implemented across various industries to improve business processes and bring companies more value for less effort. One of these industries is the supply chain where there have been some challenges present for almost a decade and without successful solutions. Utilizing blockchain in supply chain management can potentially improve transparency and […]

15 Actionable Writing Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Written content is one of the most essential parts of digital marketing strategies most brands and companies develop and follow. While video content dominates the marketing industry, the written pieces are also important for those who still prefer to read and for search engines, of course. Below we have gathered 15 effective and actionable tips […]

How to save money when sending packages from the USA to Europe

Who does not like saving money when it’s possible? It feels great to save funds on anything, and especially on those things that are considered to be expensive. International package shipping can sometimes be expensive, but with the right tactic, you can lower the costs dramatically. When sending packages overseas, follow these simple tips and […]