Create a feature-rich website with WordPress website development

Powered by PHP and MySQL, WordPress is an open source publishing platform that is dominating the web world for its incredible features and potential to create a website or blog. Easy installation, upgradation compiled with W3C Standards and multi-browser compatibility has made WordPress website development the most popular platform of web publishing. WordPress has been […]

CakePHP interview questions and answers

CakePHP  is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications. There is number of in built component like Ajax, RequestHandler, Session etc. Question: What are the drawbacks of cakephp? Answer : The learning curve, and it loads full application before it starts your task. Its […]

Web Servers

For World Wide Web or WWW, web servers is an essential part because without web servers there is web. For developing any website you must use a web server. Basically, web server is a piece of software that you can install on your computer. Some high powered computers are used as web servers as they […]

Display PDF in browser via PHP

Sometimes it is required to hide the actual PDF file name for security reason. So using a webpage you can display PDF in browser without knowing the actual URL. Example source: <?php $file = ‘path-to-pdf-file/myFile.pdf’; $filename = ‘download.pdf’; header(‘Content-type: application/pdf’); header(‘Content-Disposition: inline; filename=”‘ . $filename . ‘”‘); header(‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary’); header(‘Accept-Ranges: bytes’); @readfile($file); ?> Save this […]

What are the main reasons why one should learn Python Programming?

One of the most widely recognized inquiries we get notification from people planning to enter the IT business is, “What programming languages do I have to know?” Obviously, this is an intricate inquiry, and the appropriate response will rely upon what field the questioner is going into. However, those as of now in IT know […]