Grow and Transform Your Startup by Integrating Cloud Telephony Solutions

Startups in the realms of big data, artificial intelligence, edge computing and voice recognition showed great promise last year, as did remote healthcare providers and education services. While these domains might be up and coming, the often fragmented nature of ambitious startups – creative, but time-starved—has stayed consistent over the years. However, founders and entrepreneurs […]

How Knowing Your Audience Should Impact On Your Web Design?

As a business, there is no doubt that understanding who your actual and prospective customers are is essential when it comes to drawing up a marketing strategy. Your website is your key tool for engaging with your target audiences. So it makes sense that, when considering web design options, you need to first consider who […]

AI and How It’s Helping Startups Grow Faster

These are exciting times for business and technology. From one technological innovation to another, startups are getting the support they need to reach their greatest potentials. A forerunner in this partnership is the data-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI). In today’s digital society, data play a huge role in managing the present and shaping the future. According […]

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Makes Rapid ProgressOwing to its Immense Capabilities

Everyone is now familiar with the term “Internet of Things (IoT)”, which is revolutionizing a wide number of sectors. Over the past few years, the concept has been making its way into the industrial domain, giving rise to its variant – the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or Industry 4.0. IIoT is currently gaining traction […]

10 Best e-Learning Platforms that Have Altered the Way Students Study

Virtual Education has been growing at a phenomenal pace in India. The unique blend of investor confidence and tech advancements has made the landscape lucrative for startups operating in the education-technology (or edTech) space. The confluence of factors like pedagogy, user experience, analytics, and gamification has further improved the impact of these edTech startups. Let’s […]