With an exponential surge of social media usage, and with it becoming the sole source of everything, from news to entertainment and to opinionated articles, the influencers on the internet are acquiring huge audiences.
Influencers on the internet are mostly the bloggers SEO marketing a product, idea, or a service. Since its advent in the 1990s, blogging has taken over the forefront in internet marketing and has stolen the first place. It has become everything you’ve ever wanted for your product marketing, from using visual cues to giving information about it and from attracting more masses than ever to posting reviews about the product.
Companies utilize this amazingly productive and competent feature to enhance their search rankings and increase the traffic to their site. It is known as inbound marketing which is the core business of an SEO company. Companies strive to reach maximum traffic to their site through posting blogs about their products or contacting influencers to review their products so that there is no stone left unturned in marketing it to the right audiences.
However, if even after all of your vigorous attempts and planning, there isn’t any increase in traffic to your website, or you’re not getting the response you wanted you to need to analyze what’s wrong.
We’re here to help you point out some of the mistakes you might be making. Hold tight, the key to the increased performance of your blog is coming up.
7 mistakes you might be making
1. Concentrating too much on content creation and not promotion
Okay, so, this is absolutely not implying that you do not need to be creating content. The mistake you might be making is that your content creation to promotion ratio is way out. Let us explain.
Even if you’re writing beautiful pieces of articles, talking about the latest things happening, or reviewing products related to your audience, but not energetically promoting them, you’re probably just piling up loads of unread content. It is a huge mistake usually made by bloggers. The key is to promote wisely.
You might not need a new fresh content daily to increase traffic to your blog, but what you need is to promote the already posted content in an effective way. Collect and use email addresses of your readers. Try reaching them out whenever you post something new. Build networks so that other blogs mention you, thus bringing you more audience.
2. Creating what everyone else is creating
Being in the mainstream does not always work. If your blog is saying the same thing that, probably, ten other blogs are saying, then you’re probably going to have to share your readers with them too.
Be creative in your content. You might write on the same topic that us going on around but write with a distinctive touch to it. You might not be injecting your own opinion on the topic. Do that. Be stubborn and bold about your stance.
3. Ignoring SEO
Making the top of Google search rankings is one of the first aims of any blogger. If your client is not getting a high search ranking on Google, it might be the time that you recheck your SEO strategies.
It is one of the common mistakes committed by bloggers. They ignore to use simple keywords and make their content a heap of jargons that doesn’t even relate to SEO.
Use your keywords wisely in your content. Try using the ones already been used by top search ranking articles. It helps in bringing your blog up amongst the others.
4. No planning in posting the blogs
It might sound a little strict to the bloggers, but the truth is, blogging is just like running a small business. You have to plan everything out; the content, the topics, the pictures, interviews if any, reviews,etc.
If you’re one of those bloggers who think blogging is like a hobby and they casually post a thing or two in one week, then you should expect the same causal response. Plan your blog content a week ahead. Pick out the articles you’re going to read, order the products for your review, or design the visuals you want to use.
Planning a blog post also enhances the chances of audience engagement as they keep on anticipating the topics from you.
5. Shying away from hot topics or controversies
It is indeed necessary to not hurt anyone’s sentiment or feelings, but if you’re too cautious, and constantly post a neutral opinion about everything, your readers might not find it exciting.
People love to relate. They love to discover and then relate to other people to hold a similar opinion to them. It builds a strong sense of rapport and community. Post things about the hot topics going on and give your opinion, while also encouraging people to tell you theirs. It maybe an interesting way to have more engagements on your post, with people discussing their opinions.
6. Not giving it enough time
All blogs require time. You have to be patient. No one gets original and related followers over a night or two. You have to give it time to grow. You have to know who your readers are and what interests them.
If you’re posting about personal fitness while your readers are mostly older people, you are wasting your time. Post less but post content that is relevant to your readers and wait for your blog to grow.
7. Not working on networking
One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is to ignore how important other bloggers and their blogs are. Finding other blogs that relate to yours so that you can start networking. Ask them to talk about you and send readers towards your blog while you do the same for them.
It helps you in finding readers who relate to your posts and might take some action.
Final word
Blogging is the real face of inbound marketing which is not fading away anytime soon. It is a powerful tool if used correctly, for deriving results that are more effective and fruitful than the conventional marketing tools.
So, what are you waiting for now? Go, review the above-mentioned mistakes, and see if you’re committing them to get the results you expected from your blog.
Happy blogging!
Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her.She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her on twitter: @michellejoe524