Look at the Engagement Rate of an Influencer, Not Just Their Follower Count

If you ask yourself the characteristics that make someone an influencer, the very first thing you’ll probably imagine is that they have lots of people following them on social networks. It’s not necessarily wrong, but that’s not the only thing that makes someone an influencer these days, either. Nowadays, social media influencers have to keep […]

Creative Advertising During a Pandemic to Set Your Company Apart from Others in Your Industry

Since the stay-at-home order took effect in March 2020, and the world was forced to grapple with the Covid-19 pandemic, companies and businesses alike were pushed into unprecedented action, including but not limited to closing their business’ doors, and stopping certain advertising strategies altogether.  The sudden shift in business plans rearranged schedules and dwindling finances […]

10 Best Live Streaming Platforms You Should Know in 2021

With community restrictions and quarantine in place due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, live streaming has become more popular in record numbers. It is a great avenue to create and promote content, whether it’s about food, shopping, gaming, entertainment, news, or even the most trivial Q&A. Aside from its income-generating benefit, live streaming offers a […]

The things not to do on social media in 2020

The internet has many facets to it, including the world of social media with its numerous platforms. Social media has become an integral part of society, be it through influencing political debate, sharing images of delicious lunches or checking up on your favourite influencer’s latest posts. It’s massive, and virtually everyone is on social media […]

The Best 7 Social Media Marketing Trends You Should Not Ignore in 2019

If you are having trouble keeping up with the ever-changing social media landscape, you’re not alone. The latest trends are on constant rotation, and it can sometimes seem like a bit much. However, the early bird gets the worm, so keeping up with the shifts will ensure that your digital marketing strategy remains successful. You […]