6 Steps to Creating a Powerful Digital Marketing Plan

It’s 2020, and digital marketing has absorbed an integral part of industries. A company’s success largely depends on how good the marketing plan is. Digital marketing is much more than creating catchy videos or taglines, social media postings, and others; it requires creating an effective plan that meets your organization’s long term goals. World of […]

How To Keep An Audience Engaged During Virtual Company Events

With most company events going virtual in the era of Covid-19, keeping your audience engaged has never been more challenging. People tuning in from home have more distractions that can tear their attention away from your event. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can rely on to boost audience engagement. The team at Purple Patch, […]

5 Ideas to Upgrade Your Food and Beverage Company’s Website

It doesn’t matter what business you are in. If you want to acquire customers, generate revenue, and establish a sharp brand image, you will need a website. A small business that makes an average revenue of $3.6 million can increase its revenue to $5.03 million by having its own website. A food and beverage company […]

Make Your Customers Engaged Through Your Social Media Presence

Nowadays, every company has a social media presence or they’re in the process of establishing it. Social media has become essential for businesses, mainly because it’s one of the best channels for creating business visibility and awareness, as well as building a relationship with the target audience. However, engaging the audience effectively on social media […]