Workplace Solutions: How to Work in Peace and Quiet

Distractions, distractions, distractions. Every bit of plastic with a chip is buzzing out notifications nowadays. Everyone, from your girlfriend’s sister to your cousin’s cat, needs to talk to you. And they’ll be very disappointed if it’s not NOW. And your dog still needs walking, your lunch still needs preparing, but your boss just sent you […]

Social Media Branding: 10 Actionable Tips

Introduction Social media offers many opportunities to businesses, including brand recognition and forging a consumer-brand relationship. If you are using social media to promote your business, you cannot expect to work with only one social media platform. A strategic branding using social media entails juggling multiple social media channels. This is to ensure that you […]

5 Reasons Why UX Should Be a Priority for Digital Marketers in 2022

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving industry. It has gained prominence over the years and will continue to develop in the future. Digital marketing trends and innovations happen all the time, so digital marketers need to stay updated to succeed in this industry. One of the biggest challenges that digital marketers will face in the […]