Android App Development for Business

Android is an open source Linux based operating system containing Java library entirely aimed for evolving the use of mobile devices. The revolutionary system is a fast growing operating system which is highly adapted due to its extensive features, trimmed costs of ownership and facilities that give endless opportunities for the developers. This favourable OS […]

This Ambient Recording App Could Save You a Bunch in Monitoring

Managing a business and making it a success is no easy feat. Maintaining trust and transparency in the organization to ensure smooth and professional operations is essential. But, the difficulty of such a task is undeniable, not to mention expensive. Conventional methods like detectives, hidden cameras are obsolete now. Employers now popularly use employee monitoring […]

Introductory Photoshop Skills For Every Beginner Photographer

Photoshop is a crucial skill for every photographer. It is easy for outsiders to think of photoshopping as cheating since photoshopping has this bad rap in common culture, especially with social media shareable discussing the many instances where edited photographs often make things look unrealistic. But every photographer worth their expensive camera lenses knows that’s […]

7 Writing Habits You Should Develop for Better Website Articles

Writing is something you definitely need a talent for. And unfortunately, over the last few years, the number of good writers decreased significantly. Some claim that the reason for it lies in the short deadlines and massive workload every writer deals with; others mention that the reason for poor writing is the lack of discipline.Discipline. […]