Social Media Branding: 10 Actionable Tips

Introduction Social media offers many opportunities to businesses, including brand recognition and forging a consumer-brand relationship. If you are using social media to promote your business, you cannot expect to work with only one social media platform. A strategic branding using social media entails juggling multiple social media channels. This is to ensure that you […]

How to run a successful social media campaign

When running a social media campaign, you have to overcome various obstacles while maintaining a content schedule — while also thinking of creative ways to achieve your goals. In this article, we’ll talk about ways you can run a successful campaign using common best practices along with real-world examples and inspiration from other campaigns. Check […]

The power of social networks: 10 Best Social Media Strategies for Promoting Your Fashion Brand

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok… The list of social media platforms is endless.  And the world has fallen prey to them all. As of January 2020, there are 3.80 billion social media users worldwide. That’s a more than 9% increase since last year- amounting to 321 million new users. Moreover, on average, a person spends […]

How to Successfully Run a Social Media Advertisement for Your Business?

Crafting a successful social media strategy is what you will exactly need for your business to grow. It solidifies your branding, generating high-quality leads, and sales. But it can also be a huge waste of your time. So, the key here is how you can create, carry out, and measure your entire plan strategically. For […]

4 Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Navigating the social media marketing (SMM) world isn’t as complicated as you might think. That is, if you know how, when, and what to say and do to generate the results you want out of your marketing campaigns. However, despite the straightforwardness of implementing a successful marketing campaign, no one is immune to committing social […]

The Best 7 Social Media Marketing Trends You Should Not Ignore in 2019

If you are having trouble keeping up with the ever-changing social media landscape, you’re not alone. The latest trends are on constant rotation, and it can sometimes seem like a bit much. However, the early bird gets the worm, so keeping up with the shifts will ensure that your digital marketing strategy remains successful. You […]

7 social media blunders that can cost your business

Nowadays social media is home to both big and small enterprises. These businesses use social media to market and promote their brands in a variety of ways. Sadly, many organizations make blunders in their strategies that can cost them heavily. Below are seven common social media blunders that you might make. If you’re guilty ensure […]

How to Promote Tweets on Twitter for Maximum Reach

Twitter is a powerful platform to share content, engage with your audience, and build your brand. But with over 500 million tweets sent per day, it can be challenging to get your tweets noticed. The key to success on Twitter is learning how to effectively promote your tweets to maximize reach and engagement.   In this […]