What Steps To Take To Ensure Cybersecurity For Your Business

Technological advancements in today’s world not only have brought ease and efficiency in our daily tasks but also put our privacy in jeopardy. Cyber Threats aren’t only faced by big companies; small businesses can be targeted too. A study showed that almost 22% of the time small businesses are victimized.  You should always be prepared […]

Ways the Quantum Computer Might Affect the Blockchain

In bitcoin circles, there is a lingering fear of quantum computing. Could it compromise cryptocurrencies and the cryptography that safeguards them? How near might that be? Are the headlines about “quantum supremacy” implying that my private keys are in jeopardy? The simplest answer is no. However, let’s delve deeper into this phenomenon and try to […]

10 Different Components of a Security Audit Report

Regular IT security audits are the foundation of every company’s optimal security strategy, of which the security audit reportis the most crucial part of the procedure. Many IT compliance regulations, such as the ISO 270001 and PCI-DSS, state that regular security audits for log data and monitoring all security issues should be a mandatory part […]

A Beginner’s Guide To Manual Web Application Security Testing

Security and web application testing is a complex field, and there are many different approaches to performing manual web application security testing. This article will explore the various ways that you can perform manual web application security testing, as well as the phases of this process. You will also learn about 11 steps that you […]

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Blockchain Technology?

In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain are the most popular and disruptive technologies. Machines can simulate human intelligence and decision-making abilities using artificial intelligence. As a result, AI aims to automate repetitive tasks, boost decision-making, and improve customer satisfaction. A blockchain is a decentralized network of computers used to store and record data […]

Coronavirus and Diabetes: Steps a diabetic patient must take to stay healthy

As India prepares to return to normalcy in stages, we remain at risk, given that the huge population has made India the third-worst COVID-affected country in the world today. Dr. Ayush, the finest diabetologist from Ghaziabad, believes that it is more important than ever to take strict precautions to stay safe, especially when caring for […]