4 Steps To Start A Small Business Blog

As an entrepreneur, your main priority is to stay on top of trends by adjusting to the ever-changing marketing landscape. Since online users trust written words from brands, creating a blog will help your company establish its authority within the marketplace. Once you continue to promote your products and services through this platform, you can […]

Data, Analytics, Algorithms But What About Humans? Why Your Marketing Needs to Go Beyond Numbers and Be About Connection

As the competition heats up in the business landscape, more and more companies are realizing they need a personalized approach toward acquiring and retaining customers. This requires data, but building the human connection is about more than just numbers. Humans are necessary to glean important insights or patterns that are crucial to a personalized approach. […]

What to Pay Attention to When Formulating Digital Marketing Goals This Year

The last three years have presented a lot of difficulties for the world that need to be learned to quickly overcome to stay afloat. Many businesses are able to quickly adapt to current circumstances, which allows them not to face bankruptcy or a close-down. No one can predict when the global pandemic will end. In […]

How to write that killer blog post your readers can’t resist

As it is popularly said, content is king, and with every passing day, this gets truer. Unsurprisingly, businesses today are investing enormously in content, hoping to capture as many eyeballs as possible – building trust and rapport via offering value-adding content to their audience.  Here is the reality. Blogging -typically SEO — is now “World […]

11 Reasons Why Avoiding Plagiarism is Necessary for SEO and content marketing

If you are a copywriter or a content marketer, you will second my statement that writing perfect marketing content is becoming awfully difficult. Fear of getting plagiarism can lead to nowhere, let alone help you create good quality content. Amidst much saturation, how would you rock on your marketing strategies to convert readers into leads? […]