In this article you will learn about few jQuery tips and tricks of interesting. Until you practice, you will not be able to be master of jQuery.
jQuery tips:
To check if checkbox is checked:
if ($("#checkID").is(':checked')) { ... }
if ($('#checkID').attr('checked')) { ... }
Check whether an element exists or not:
if ($("#myDIV").length) { ... }
Block mouse right click:
$(document).bind("contextmenu", function(e) { return false; });
Whether an element is visible or not:
To get the size of the element:
Scroll the page to the div ID:
Replace an element by another:
$("#oldID").replaceWith("<span>New content goes here...</span>");
Find an element by CSS class:
$(document).ready(function() { .... });
Window resize:
$(window).resize(function(){ ... });
Find an element by attribute:
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