How Multi-Cloud Orchestration is Done Right – 5 Top Tips

Introduction Digital transformation is not alien to organizations today. Each implement deployed at work has some connection to the digital world – whether it be an employee app, an enterprise solution, or a customer-centric management tool. In the past couple of years, however, this paradigm shift has been quite accelerated, if you believe these numbers […]

The Role that Computing Devices Factor into Creating a Foundation to Manage, Route, and Process Data

We’re in an unprecedented time with the accessibility and volume of data we can retrieve, especially with the prevalence of IoT devices. But data is only as good as what can be processed and the speed of computing devices. All computer devices technologies have limitations related to the speed of electron motion, which is impacted […]

Cloud Storage VS Colocation: Which Is Better For Your Business?

Living in the modern world, businesses need to have secure and reliable data management solutions. The two main types of data storage and management solutions that organizations can readily avail of are colocation and cloud storage. Both of these solutions offer a business the ability to focus expenses on their business activities instead of accumulating […]

How Cloud Automation Can Help Your Small Business

In the current marketing trends, social media and technology are aspects that should not be overlooked. Cloud automation, for example, enables the effortless management of tasks through cloud computing and workload services. What cloud automation involves and automation tools When starting a business, it is vital to consider establishing social and technology networks. They help […]

Grow and Transform Your Startup by Integrating Cloud Telephony Solutions

Startups in the realms of big data, artificial intelligence, edge computing and voice recognition showed great promise last year, as did remote healthcare providers and education services. While these domains might be up and coming, the often fragmented nature of ambitious startups – creative, but time-starved—has stayed consistent over the years. However, founders and entrepreneurs […]

Scalability and Resilience: How Azure Managed Services Ensure High Availability

Cloud computing allows businesses the freedom to work from anywhere. They are constantly looking for a solution that guarantees scalability, resilience, and high availability. So if you have the same requirements for your business then opting for Azure Managed services is the solution. It uses AI-enhanced cloud management to deliver smart solutions that redefine the […]