Data Breach 101: The Consequences Involved And How To Prevent It From Happening

As more and more businesses conduct their transactions and upload valuable data online, data breaches have become more common. Almost in a matter of minutes, hackers can infiltrate your company’s network and access your confidential records. How can a data breach impact your business? 1. Your company’s reputation will be damaged. If cyber hackers steal […]

4 Reasons Your Business Won’t Survive a Without Great Marketing

For any business to succeed, it’s important to ensure that marketing is at the heart of the start-up strategy. Marketing is an extensive field that involves a lot of aspects. Nevertheless, your success depends on your strategy you put in place. Marketing involves strategies that introduce a product or service and then promoting it in […]

10 Best e-Learning Platforms that Have Altered the Way Students Study

Virtual Education has been growing at a phenomenal pace in India. The unique blend of investor confidence and tech advancements has made the landscape lucrative for startups operating in the education-technology (or edTech) space. The confluence of factors like pedagogy, user experience, analytics, and gamification has further improved the impact of these edTech startups. Let’s […]

3 Need-to-Know Features for Effective eLearning Search Functions

Perhaps unsurprisingly to many of use, Google handles over 3.5 billion searches a day, which equates to around 40,000 searches every single second. These are some outstanding statistics and just goes to show the reach that the search engine giant has when it comes to providing people and businesses around the world with the information […]

Role of Digital Marketing for Effective Business Growth

Digital marketing is a new type of advertisement in which most or all of the company’s marketing efforts are performed using digital channels. It allows SEO professionals to maintain a constant two-sided personalized dialogue with each consumer and sell them products and services easily. All companies strive for rapid growth. For this, they develop and […]

Why the Digital Marketing Course is Much Sought After?

Digital marketing involves the use of digital means, for example, mobile phones, the Internet, and other media to promote products or services. A digital marketing course will help students get proficient at the basics and tools of digital marketing. One can become a pro in digital marketing by implementing its ideas in projects that crave […]