Grow and Transform Your Startup by Integrating Cloud Telephony Solutions

Startups in the realms of big data, artificial intelligence, edge computing and voice recognition showed great promise last year, as did remote healthcare providers and education services. While these domains might be up and coming, the often fragmented nature of ambitious startups – creative, but time-starved—has stayed consistent over the years. However, founders and entrepreneurs […]

Ten Trends of Blockchain in 2020

Blockchain will transform operations and processes in different industries and government sectors if accepted, but its acceptance requires time and effort. Blockchain technology will rouse people to get new skills, the traditional business will have to completely review their processes to crop the maximum benefits from using this promising technology. Below listed top 10 trends […]

4 Ways AI is Transforming Crypto Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a revolutionary trend across all industries and sectors. Even though it’s still in early development per se, that didn’t prevent AI from gaining access to various systems and processes. Any industry that embraced AI claims that this technology is the next step towards greater improvements and innovations. Even the cryptocurrency […]

ASP.NET Core 3.0: Development, Maintenance, Re-Engineering and Support

.NET Core is the modern incarnation of .NET Framework. It is not just open source, but it can be used for cross-platform or multi-platform development. It is the developed and most updated version of the .NET frameworks, and therefore, it contains tons of interesting and valuable features for the developers. ASP.NET Core development is a […]

Python on top of the list of best programming languages in 2019

Open source Python programming language is one of the most popular and free thing that developers can run almost anywhere. Python developers can run the programming language on Mac OS X, Windows, UNIX, Linux, Android, and even iOS. It supports automatic memory allocation and object-oriented programming. Python is an advanced language that offers cleaner error […]

How IoT, AR, and AI are Revolutionizing the World of Mobile Apps in 2019?

IoT (Internet of Things), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have taken the front seat in mobile app development. Whether you’re booking an Uber, playing AR games or making a purchase, these sets of technologies are present in almost every mobile app that we download from the App Store or Google Play Store. Why […]