Role of Social Media as Part of Omnichannel Customer Experience

Introduction Omni channel is a sales approach that seeks in providing customers with a shopping experience that is seamless depending on whether they do shop online from a mobile device or desktop, mortar store, or in a brick. When developing a strategy of marketing, one needs to meet customer expectations and providing the highest level […]

Importance of Social Commerce for Business

Facebook pages promoting fancy handmade products, Instagram ads that introduce you to authentic organic farms or even the most high-end brands offering discounts via their official handles; all of them share one thing in common: the smartest use of social media. Platforms that were originally created for better networking are now doubling up as modern […]

What are the 6 reasons for killing an app through a bad UX

Overview The essential factor of your e-commerce app’s success is its quality. Sometimes it is seen that the businesses make poor UX choices by looking over the requirement of the customers. Your app can still have some UX incorrectness even when you are taking care of their painstaking scope. The customers have lots of choices […]

You can increase up your sales with some of the best social media platforms

You know that your clients and possibilities are via social media, yet you’re not entirely certain how to translate this into expanded deals for your business. Possibly you’ve given running a few advertisements yourself a shot Facebook and failed, or you don’t know where to begin. By this point, most advertisers know about the advantages […]

6 Experts on the Future of Blockchain Technology & Applications

Blockchain Technology the – permanent, encoded, decentralized – record has a capability of making each incorporated procedure, movement, and association completely self-ruling. This implies we can wipe out mediators, experts, and agitate. While this sounds astounding it is yet a far away dream despite everything that is being attempted to bring in a change. In […]