9 UX Ideas and Strategies for Software Developers

User Experience should be considered the root of every part of program development. UX design is he process of creating products while carefully considering the usability and function. Successful UX Design results in a physical or digital product that enhances satisfaction and meaning for users. For software developers, User Experience design is integral for creating […]

What makes social media marketing so important?

Our daily lives are dominated by various social media handles such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Important political leaders such as the U.S. President use Twitter to interact with their citizens. Students use LinkedIn to search for jobs or connect with prospective employers. Travel and food bloggers use Instagram to post photos from their […]

Démarrage d’une entreprise: What Else Can You Do With an Entrepreneurship Degree

There are at least two major misconceptions regarding entrepreneurship degrees that negatively impact the decision-making process of so many people. First is that this type of institutions serve no purpose because someone with an entrepreneurial spirit has not much to learn in school past secondary education (which is wrong). Second is that entrepreneurship degrees serve […]