How IoT, AR, and AI are Revolutionizing the World of Mobile Apps in 2019?

IoT (Internet of Things), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have taken the front seat in mobile app development. Whether you’re booking an Uber, playing AR games or making a purchase, these sets of technologies are present in almost every mobile app that we download from the App Store or Google Play Store. Why […]

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Makes Rapid ProgressOwing to its Immense Capabilities

Everyone is now familiar with the term “Internet of Things (IoT)”, which is revolutionizing a wide number of sectors. Over the past few years, the concept has been making its way into the industrial domain, giving rise to its variant – the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or Industry 4.0. IIoT is currently gaining traction […]

Industrial Control System USB Flash Drive Designed For ICS Security

The fourth industrial revolution or “Industry 4.0” is a term used to categorize today’s trend with industrial control systems (ICS) and how these machines interact with each other and humans. The fourth era of “industry” combines hardware, software and biology and emphasizes the advancements in communication and connectivity. When the term IoT (Internet of Things) […]