The Internet of Things: How Will It Change My Life?

What is the Internet of Things? The Internet of Things is a collective term for everyday objects which are internet-enabled. They carry out their traditional function, but they also have a Wi-Fi connection, which means they can make your life even easier. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnected network of physical devices, […]

Setting up Appium for Android and iOS

In our digital world, where applications reign supreme, assuring the seamless performance of your software across Android and iOS platforms is important. This is where Appium, the unsung hero of mobile application testing, steps into the limelight. As an open-source automation tool, Appium plays a key role in simplifying the complicated task of testing mobile […]

Mobile App Automation: Challenges and Solutions

Globally, mobile device usage has exploded in the past few decades. Statista ‘s prediction shows that smartphone users in 2040 will exceed 1.5 billion. It is easy to imagine the mobile testing challenges the backend team will face in the future. The demand for mobile apps has increased worldwide due to the explosion of mobile […]