What’s the Difference Between UX and CX?

Customer experience and user experience seem very similar at first glance. However, they are fundamentally different concepts. They certainly complement each other but are not interchangeable by any means. Therefore, CX and UX are often confused or mistakenly used synonymously, even by professional UX/UI designers. Today, we will finally put everything together. Let’s dive in. […]

Why Your Company Should Invest in a Training Program Management Software

Human resource training and development have long been put in the fringe field because many business owners think that investing in it is not profitable. This is evident in labelling the Human Resources Department as the ‘Personnel Administration’ department. Apparently, the pressures caused by the rapid technological change, deregulation, and globalisation brought the once ‘neglected’ […]

How can Small Businesses Rank their Website Through Local SEO

Going up the positions and hitting big time requires extensive exertion for neighbourhood entrepreneurs and their creating organizations. Despite the experience, a business person will consistently run over mishaps when maintaining a business without knowing the neighbourhood SEO agenda. They normally accompany the bundle of entering the business world, and truly, nobody has since kept […]