JSON with Ajax

Ajax is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML for for asynchronous web applications. Using ajax data from a server asynchronously retrieved and display without reloading the page. So JSON with Ajax is no exception. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. So, in simple terms JSON is a way of formatting the data. For, e.g., transmitting it over […]

The URLs

URLs or Uniform Resource Locator is location of html document web. It consists of three parts i.e. Protocol, Domain and Resource path. For e.g. http://www.namasteui.com/index.php where http is protocol, www.namasteui.com is domain and index.php is resource path. It also has a query string i.e. http://www.namasteui.com/index.php?value=1&page=3 So the query string for the above url is: ?value=1&page=3 […]