Excellent customer engagement is one of the best practices to keep your Amazon business successful. Customer engagement has the aim to build a good relationship with your customers for them to support your products continually. It is mainly in the form of building brand equity or brand loyalty among your customers. This goes beyond not just the usual ‘customer service’; online stores have grown and improved this concept in the form of ‘customer experience.’ Making your customers satisfied with your products and building an emotionally invested relationship will let you easily grab success in your business rather than prioritizing generating sales and income.
Building Customer Experience
The personalized user experience is one of the best practices that Amazon has. Amazon can gather data about your customers, such as demographics, items they are searching, and other items in their cart. These data will be used to tailor your customer’s journey in the site. It is often an effective way to convert your visitors into customers. Focusing more on the details about your customers is better than basing your strategy on other information. Here are some practices to incorporate into your Amazon business to improve customer experience:
Gift Giving Recommendations – Amazon can significantly help you in finding recommendations for gifts. For example, you saw a gift for your 3-year-old cousin. Amazon will recommend similar items that can assist you when buying another present for your cousin. If you bought a car for him, Amazon would flash similar toy cars that can be gift ideas for another birthday or holiday.
Home Screen– You should make your customer’s Amazon home screen as enticing as possible. With the data you have about the items they always search, you can put the results on their homepage, instantly piquing their attention.
Emails– You can personalize your offers and recommendations through sending an email to your customers.
Customer’s Name– The inclusion of your customer’s name will make them feel that you are talking to them personally. Also, your message can be persuasive because of this. You can look at your performance as soon as you changed the user experience of the site to put your customer’s name all over the site.
Ensuring Proactive Consistency
Customer focus at Amazon is advantageous for many online stores. Amazon Prime is a very consistent feature that is known by many users. Prime always promises their delivery within two days. Anyone who had a late delivery date will receive a complete help from the customer service panel. If Prime expects a delay in the delivery because of a storm, it will display on the tracking page of your product. It is essential for every retailer to take every single sale as an opportunity to build trust with their customers, especially when you are not yet building credibility and trust from your consumers.
Consistency is the key to Prime because customers buy an average of $1,224 worth of products in a year. You need to ask yourself if what services you are providing and how you can make it an avenue to build credibility for your brand, and how can you execute it for every customer successfully. You should put consistency in every service you have to your customers.
Creating a user-friendly Web Design
At least 60% of online shoppers today declare that they will not shop if the store is displaying a poorly made website design. A good web design is essential to reach more customer. Amazon has improved their web design and took note of their customer’s comments on their previous web designs. Here are some of the updated features they made:
Search Box. It is seen on the very top part of the page for easier access any time they would want to search an item. They added a drop-down arrow for quicker refinement of searches.
Navigation Bar. Is on the left part of the page where you can go into a specific category of products.
Page Layout. The layouts per page are different per group of products. Amazon simplifies it for a better experience in the page. For example, is when you are buying your camera, you can look at types of camera, lenses, and other camera accessories. You can go to a particular category by lessening your clicks and journey throughout the page.
Formulating a Strategic Plan
Your presence as a retailer or manufacturer in Amazon must be assessed. You need to look if you are reaching your audience, achieving the right number of product purchases, and the like. After looking into your performance, you need to make a strategic plan to utilize your success in the next months or years. You can make a strategic plan with the help of this guide on Amazon. You would want all of your moves in your online business will become effective and efficient enough to generate more sales for your shop.
Featuring your Social Media Reviews
A good strategy for your Amazon page should be displaying and garnering online reviews from your customers. Amazon has always exhibited the product reviews before you buy and after you buy the product. Most of the reviews given by customers is a star-rating and are sometimes accompanied by a qualitative comment about the product, but this is optional. Not only they can send reviews of the product, but also the experience they had with the seller or retailer.
What’s remarkable about this feature is the honesty of each review, and it can give positive impacts, if most or all of the reviews are positive, or negative impacts, if you are experiencing complaints from their experience in your store. Not only can customers express their reviews on the Amazon page of the store, but also in the store’s Facebook account. It is advisable to make your Amazon page facebook-connected. All reviews in your Facebook page will appear in Amazon page to help make your store more credible.
Final Thoughts
Keeping your audience invested emotionally in your brand is the most reliable way to get loyal customers. Once you establish a good relationship with them, they may even recommend you to friends and family which widens your network. Your customers’ satisfaction should be your priority since their experience will dictate the future of your brand. Just follow these five tips, and you’ll be good to go.
Violet Smith is a marketing communication specialist and a part-time blogger who loves shopping. Her goal is to drive the awareness to people through her writings.