Nowadays, mobile technology is quickly developing. Hire android application developers who neglect to stay aware of the most recent advancements will blur route because of an expanded challenge. Any application development organisation can’t stand to miss out in the interest of these mechanical trends. Android app development has experienced massive change. Here are the absolute most noteworthy Android app development trends that you can expect in 2019.
1. Quickened Mobile Pages Through AMP and EMM
AMP (Application Performance Management) listings were incorporated into Google seek in 2016, and from that point forward developers have not thought back.
By instilling these inside the app framework, developers have possessed the capacity to utilise this came down variant of HTML for better client experience and maintenance, with Facebook Instant Articles being one of the numerous success stories.
These checking instruments and measurements that assistance settle bottlenecks as improve generally speaking performance are expected to wind up a staple by 2019.
2. Implementing Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning have delved their heels further into mobile apps that we may have figured it out. Human-made intelligence makes itself show as chatbots. Siri is, actually, one of the most significant evidence of why Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are particularly a piece of mobile apps and ones that can’t be isolated at this point.
The rising interest for Machine Learning and AI as virtual assistants and chatbots is what we’re taking a gander at, and that is the thing that 2019 will bring for us.
3. Ascend in the Demand for Wearable Devices and IoT
App developers must focus on creating apps for wearable devices.
As of now, it’s for the most part horology and wellness industry that are looking towards smartwatches. However, a couple of huge names like Zomato and Uber have put resources into wearable app development. Albeit, like most, they just have scratched the dull surface.
2019 guarantees to bring more wearables – watches, wellness groups, development trackers, and the sky’s the limit from there.
4. Chatbots Will Be Integral
According to Statista, the worldwide Chatbot showcase is anticipated to develop to 1250 million U.S. dollars by 2025 – a bounce of over 1000 million U.S. dollars from 2016. One can derive that chatbots are exceptionally well a piece of the digital reality now.
Chatbots will presently act (in reality are as of now acting) as virtual assistants inside mobile applications. Because of the advancement in AI, it is currently a single occupation to coordinate chatbots inside apps without including complex coding.
A somewhat intriguing infographic Digital Commerce proposes that the same number of as half of the B2B purchasers favour self-benefit CRM. Chatbots is the better approach to broaden that kind of customer relationship management.
5. Expanded Reality and Virtual Reality Will Influence Mobile Strategies
‘Pokémon Go’ may have been a brief tempest on the eastern seaboard, yet AR and VR are digging in for the long haul. Anticipated to procure over $200 billion in revenues by 2020, developers are relied upon to make amazing mobile app encounters in AR and VR, and with compatible equipment entering the market, we can hardly wait to kick this gathering off.
6. Mobile Wallets/Payment Gateways
Frictionless payment strategies are what customers request from all the apps they use. There has been a progressive yet noteworthy change in the manners in which that clients like to shop. We’ve gradually moved from money to credit/charge, to mobile wallets, and digital currencies.
Mobile trade has, along these lines, successfully, turn into a favoured shopping mode. Along these lines, for organisations, to have the capacity to make an incredible app encounter, integrating payment gateways just as mobile wallets (like Amazon Pay, Google Wallet, PayPal, and many more) that give secure encryption will end up a staple in 2019.
7. More Businesses Will Invest in Cloud Integration
It took years, yet the world is at last awakening to the likely outcomes offered by cloud registering and integration. Streamlining tasks, decreased expenses in facilitating, better stockpiling, and stacking limit, alongside expanded client maintenance, are few of the numerous points of interest of creating mobile apps over the cloud.
8. Moment Apps Are Coming Around
2016 saw the introduction of moment apps — local mobile applications that are little in size than expected apps, easy to use, and profoundly convenient because there is, well, only no requirement for downloading. As the name recommends, they can be gotten to in a split second with no download by any means.
With clients continually requesting better client encounter and shorter load times, moment apps are undoubtedly the pattern that 2019 will greet, and for good, along these lines disposing of the holding up time required in the establishment.
9. Mobile App Security to Gain Extra Attention
Indeed, we realise it is just the same old thing new, however with Uber leaving the figurative storage room and tolerating the hacking, and even Facebook and Google admitting their security slips, app developers will look put more in cybersecurity, given it is correctly connected to clients’ information security and insurance laws.
The best personalities in the business should raise the stakes to muffle the vulnerability around mobile apps.

Denny Kelly is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. I would love to share thoughts on php web development.