Arkfeld UV – White Light and UV Dual Light Sources Flashlight

Today, we will be examining the impressive Arkfeld UV Flashlight by Olight. Serving as an upgrade to the previous Olight Arkfeld, this compact EDC flashlight offers a unique, functional feature with its UV light mode. This pocket light showcases a sleek rectangular design. On the other hand, slim profile brings notable benefits for everyday carrying, […]

Benefits Of LED Arena Lights Over Traditional Lighting Systems

In the past few years, the sports lighting industry has seen significant technological advancements, which has led to LED arena lights becoming a popular option for many different kinds of facilities. In comparison to more conventional lighting choices like metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and halogen lamps, these lighting systems that are both environmentally friendly and […]

Common Uses of Air Pressure Transducers

From measuring atmospheric pressures in barometers, pressure in pumps, vacuums, steam temperatures, and pressure in submerged lines, there is no limitation to applying pressure transducers in the world of pressure and temperatures! A pressure transducer is a very useful tool in industrial and laboratory data collecting and control systems. Some of the typical uses for […]

Monitoring and Control of Turbines and Generators in Power Plants

Power plants are instrumental in generating energy from the Earth’s resources to power most utilities around the world. Multiple power plants operate coal, nuclear energy, and water as primary resources for electricity generation. Globally, the energy consumption rate increased in India (+0.8%), Russia (+1.8%), and Australia (6.3%) in 2019. However, the growth rate decreased in […]