When you follow the best practices to design and implement the software without any defects that is called quality assurance. A quality assurance system increases the customer confidence and a company’s credibility, to improve work efficiency and enable the company to compete better with others.
Quality is one of the key factors that keep users attached to the applications. If the quality is exceptional and good, the customers keep on using the product and you tend to keep on upgrading and perfecting it.
It is the duty of the Quality Assurance engineers to think of various practices to efficiently manage the workload and also ensure the highest quality for your business applications.
But why is it, that quality assurance is a necessity for business application?
1. Increased credibility:
Quality assurance helps to increase the credibility of the company which tends to attract more and more customers. Customers start having faith in the company and show their loyalty to the company which in turn is beneficial for the company.
2. Attracts potential investors:
Quality assurance of the business application attracts more investors to the company, which further helps in increasing the market share of the company. This substantially increases the influence of the company.
3. Increase in sales:
A product with problems needs more promotion than the one without any problems. Offering your customers rigorously tested and quality assured applications, informs the customers that you are making an effort to offer your best services to them in the market.
4. Manage the costs:
A poor quality product tends to increase the cost. If your business does not follow an effective quality control system, it may have to incur the cost of non-conforming goods or services to determine the root cause of the problems and retesting the product.
In case, the defective product reaches your customer, you will have to pay for replacements and returns or you might even have to incur some legal expenses, for failure to comply with customers or industry standards.
5. Avoid variation in products:
Maintaining consistency in the products you produce is very important. If the customers feel that they can count on your business’s consistency, they tend to give repeat business to you. To ensure your customer’s satisfaction, it is imperative that you provide them with consistent results. Assuring the quality of the product helps you to avoid any kind of variations.
6. Optimization of Business:
Quality assurance helps in the optimization of the business. It helps to satisfy the customers’ needs and also helps in their retention. It prevents mismanagement of costs, by making the customers happy and by avoiding any kind of returns or replacements from the customers. Overall, quality assurance helps to provide good quality products and improved reputation and brand image of the company.
Quality assurance is the basic necessity of business application, as it helps to provide good quality applications that attract customers and forces them to give you more business. Quality assurance has a lot of benefits, so it should be adopted as a habit and not an act!
So, this is all about Quality Assurance for business software. If you are a company or agency with major occupation on SAAS, then QA is the primus for you. Don’t you dare to ignore it or your business will take the toll. I hope you get my point (No hurries, no worries!!!). Take your time and think it through. Ignorance can be bliss but not in Software development realm. Adios for now folks!!!
Munish Garg, is a Senior Coordinator QA Engineer & Editor associated with Bugraptors. His passion for helping people in all aspects of software testing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. In addition to writing for Software testing, he expand his knowledge and tact’s for decoding all the critical issues while doing software testing for several domains.