Managing online website traffic is no less complicated than maintaining a smooth flow of cars on busy city streets. Any flaw in traffic management in the real world will cause accidents or congestion. On the virtual platform, it will not rope in a satisfactory number of viewers. Here are ten ways, which can help in managing and increasing online traffic.
1. Posting regular articles on social media
SEO is essential for all companies, which want to improve their online standing. Does it work only for brands? Anyone and everyone can make use of SEO to make themselves visible. If you are a blogger, then proper SEO will offer better exposure. The more contents you post better will be your SEO ranking. When someone generates a search on the internet, with keywords that match your content, your blog link will be at the top of all search results, if you are regular with your posts. Posting daily contents or making small posts on your social media platforms will offer satisfactory results.
2. Publishing videos on social media
Both millennials and Gen Z are interested in getting the message in concise and fresh format. The best way to deliver that is by releasing viral videos on social media. If the video has value, then you will be able to make it viral with little effort. The best thing about social media platforms is contents travel fast. For instance, one post can reach thousands as soon as you post it on your wall. Posting such videos will attract more traffic with less delay.
3. Master Instagram utilization
It has been proven that visual contents attract positive traffic. Instagram is a popular social media platform that will allow one to reach out to millions easily. If you succeeded in creating engaging and unique visual contents on Instagram, it will offer an immediate boost to website traffic. It will, in turn, assist you to create a community around your brand and get access to loyal followers.
4. Shareable contents attract traffic
When you post new content on the site, you have to ensure that it has some value. People will only forward it or share it with others if they think it is worth the effort and time. Both millennials and Gen Z are very selective about their online activities. Whether you are posting a new blog on promoting your product, make sure that it has something new to offer. You can fool clients once, but that will not happen again and again. Another important aspect is creating shareable contents. If you are not sure about the quality, making use of QR codes and other online tools will help in increasing the traffic with social media. Soch Online has always stressed on the importance of maintaining a high quality of their products online. They do so with the help of infographics and statistical data.
5. Social media plugins
If you are finding it difficult to attract traffic, then social media buttons and plugins will come in handy. Social media plugins make sharing content easy on online platforms. For example, one can highlight a certain section of any comment with “click on Tweet” feature. It assists readers in sharing your comment with others, without leaving that particular page. Social media buttons also work to bring in more readers. These buttons are great options for people who are accessing these pages via mobile phones. As soon as the reader logs on to that page, these social media buttons get activated. The readers can then share the stories simply by selecting any social media button.
6. Using searchable keywords
Posting blogs and articles on trending topics is not enough. One has to insert proper keywords in the write-up as well. Optimizing these keywords will enhance your chances of getting more views, shares, and likes. But an arbitrary selection of keywords will not make the cut. You need to use more of searchable keywords. Putting uncommon keywords will not bring up your article, blog or post in the search results. There are special tools, which will highlight searchable keywords, depending on the topic.
7. Make use of social media calendar
Another trick that can assist you to direct more traffic towards the website is making use of social media calendar. Filling up your social media calendar with post related information will speed up the entire process. Using the social media calendar also offers the site owner a clear idea of what he/she needs to work on. It eliminates any posting-related issues as everything is mentioned in the calendar itself. Preparing the schedule in advance gives you an edge over your competitors. It will also highlight your posting pattern.
8. Building community engagement
Engaging clients or online followers is a must for any site owner. Failure to establish a constant communication will reduce site-bound traffic. But is it possible for bloggers to get in touch with each reader personally? If you create a community that consists of all readers, then you definitely can. Community creation and engagement are must-haves for increasing any site’s traffic.
9. Taking assistance from others
Some things require additional assistance. Survival in the virtual world also requires others’ support. The simple give and take policy also applies here. Both major and minor online influencers can increase traffic on your site. As they are helping in bringing more viewers to your channel, you will also promote them in turn. Everyone is connected to another in the virtual world. All you have to do is solidify these connections with cooperation.
10. Using hashtags
Using hashtags are potent ways to increase the traffic of your site as well. But make sure that the tags you use are relevant to the stories and the nature of the social media platform you are using.
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