How to Maintain Property Financial Records With Property Management Software?

Maintaining excellent financial records is not always easy, especially for property management companies. Most companies do this by hand, making it hard to report on time. You don’t have to strain anymore; property management software can be of great help. It has features that can keep track of accounts and finances related to your rental […]

The Strength of Storytelling: 7 Ways to Articulate Your Story and Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out from the Noise

With the rise of ecommerce, it’s never been easier to launch a successful online brand or ecommerce business. But with that comes a rise in content from numerous sources, bombarding audiences and vying for their attention. If you don’t stand out, you could fade away into the background in a sea of online content. What […]

Create a Genogram Quickly With EdrawMax

Lead-in Part Etymologically speaking, a genogram consists of two words – geno- and -gram. Geno comes from family, tribe, race, and genetics, whereas gram means something written, recorded, or otherwise drawn. As one can see, a genogram is a graphical representation of someone’s entire family history while mentioning their medical and other health issues. In […]