ML Model Management and Why Should it be Consistent?

Machine learning model management is an underpinning procedure that spans and supports all stages of the AI project lifecycle. Then assisting the business in completing responsibilities such as risk management and the development of trustworthy Intelligent systems. Its goal is to make dealing with models more straightforward, clear, and efficient. MLOps includes model management. At […]

How will enterprise AI shape the digital transformation journey

Introduction With each passing year, the role of artificial intelligence for enterprise applications is seeing an upsurge. With the advancement of existing technologies and the emergence of new and innovative AI applications and platforms, enterprise AI is shaping the future of businesses, by not only impacting the functioning of business processes and outcomes but also […]

How does a programmable logic controller automate an industrial application?

The inventor of the PLC is Dick Morley, an American engineer who was an expert in computer design, artificial intelligence, and automation. He received numerous awards throughout his career. Dick Morley is credited with inventing the programmable logic controller in 1968. He led the team that led the development of the first PLC while he […]

Cloud Computing and Big Data – Technological Revolutions in the Digital Era

Large volumes of data are flowing through the digital platforms of organizations around the globe with every passing second. Thanks to the internet, this fast-paced data flow became uncontrollable in the world’s physical storage facilities. Considering the present data flow size is in terabytes, the name given to the model for its processing and analysis […]

4 Ways IoT & AI Are Reshaping Smart Warehouse Management

If you work in a warehouse, you’ll quickly find out that it’s a busy environment. This is where businesses store their products for warehouse workers to maintain and organize. Before, it used to be manual labor and dedicated hours in manually sorting out the different inventory ready for shipping. However, with today’s technological marvels, warehouse […]

Industrial Control System USB Flash Drive Designed For ICS Security

The fourth industrial revolution or “Industry 4.0” is a term used to categorize today’s trend with industrial control systems (ICS) and how these machines interact with each other and humans. The fourth era of “industry” combines hardware, software and biology and emphasizes the advancements in communication and connectivity. When the term IoT (Internet of Things) […]

Why The Growth in Visual Image Search is Important for Your Business

Visual search on social platforms and search engines is a trend that digital marketers shouldn’t underestimate. A HubSpot study confirmed that the average person can remember 65% of visual content for up to three decades. That said, visualization is an important aspect of digital marketing and equally important in the customer journey and business growth. […]