Unlocking customer intelligence with CRM

Customer intelligence, in short is the process of gathering and analysing information regarding customers, and their details and activities, to build deeper and more effective customer relationships and improve decision-making by vendors. This gathering of data can be done through various means – feedback, survey, Social Media listening, website tracking, etc. Today with smarter tracking […]

Why the Digital Marketing Course is Much Sought After?

Digital marketing involves the use of digital means, for example, mobile phones, the Internet, and other media to promote products or services. A digital marketing course will help students get proficient at the basics and tools of digital marketing. One can become a pro in digital marketing by implementing its ideas in projects that crave […]

Drive Traffic With The Help Of Instagram Stories

With more than 300 million users, Instagram is without a doubt a perfect place to promote your business. However, you need to understand that so many tips and tricks can help you expand your reach and encourage users to visit your page. Unless you have the type of traffic you need, your Instagram stay is […]

How Does SEO Marketing Work?

With the evolution of the Internet and digital media platforms, everyone and everything is going digital. Business organizations have started using digital strategies to market their products and services. Marketing that is done using digital channels is referred to as digital marketing. Digital marketing includes several online marketing strategies and one among them is SEO […]

What is the digital transformation of an organization?

Digital Transformation involves the transformation of a business’ existing processes with the use of digital technologies to make them more efficient. The core idea lies in using technologies not just to digitalize the existing services but to completely transform them into something notably better. Digital transformation doesn’t merely rely on a single technology, but it […]

Newest Digital Trends That Are Transforming Marketing In 2018

This article takes the deep look on few significant trends of the year that has transformed the marketing. These new trends closely help in showing up the new opportunities to innovate the marketing with new ideas and strategies. No marketing strategy is new, however big data and analytics, automation in marketing, content marketing or Email […]

What Makes Instagram the Best Platform for Online Marketing?

Nowadays, most of the social interactions and communications happen over visuals, instead of text and other modes of communication. From sending a selfie to snapping a group picture, ruling the social media news feed is all about sharing visuals. From a business point of view, the impact of this visual content growth can be seen […]

Entrepreneurship: The way to eliminate unemployment and escalate economic development

Increasing population has increased the problem of unemployment, and the unemployed youth means the low economic development of the nation. Due to various reasons, poverty level always remains beyond the stipulated line. So, the government encourages the small and medium enterprise to eradicate the poverty. Medium and small businesses are the spine of every nation’s […]