A Guide to Digital Brand Compliance for Content Marketers

The evolution of marketing has burst the professional world with a lot of new challenges and opportunities. The traditional media outlets say television, newspapers or magazines faced fewer constraints related to content management. Although the conventional patterns focused on archiving the content, repurposing and reusing the content was not of that much priority. The growing […]

Covid-19 and the Printing Industry: Curb the Slowdown and be Future Ready

You probably might have read hundreds of articles greeting you with how awful this ‘new world’ is. I will save you on that and quickly come to the topic that we will be discussing. Here’s a question for you. People buy essentials like masks, sanitizers, medicines, groceries, etc. But do they purchase the ‘usual’ stuff? […]

Salesforce Sales Cloud: Implementation, Benefits and Features

In the current era of cloud computing, every company requires a workable platform to interact with both current and potential consumers. And Salesforce has significantly dominated the CRM market. It is currently the most widely used platform for bringing customers and businesses together. Businesses choose the Salesforce platform because it enables them to give their […]

Technical Capabilities of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Until recently, an integral part of the training was exposure to the standard software development life cycle (SDLC). This would start with requirements analysis, and then be followed by planning, engineering and design, development, testing, deployment, and finally maintenance. Many learn waterfall, iterative, and agile software development models also. Almost every organization is trying to […]

Everything you need to know about Change Data Capture

Due to the hyper growth of data based transactions, the amount of data generated is ever growing by leaps and bounds. Further, as data-centric businesses continue to scale up, there has been a significant increase in the volume of data generated, collected, stored and analysed by large enterprises. High volume, high velocity data is commonplace […]