A solo trip is undoubtedly the best way to release stress and far away from everyone you get time to discover yourself. The excitement goes high when you go on a solo, car drive to destinations nearby or distant. However, the idea of solo traveling has its perils too, mainly as safety concerns. No matter how well you drive, the family members at home remain anxious about your safety, especially when you are on the way to some unfamiliar places.
The thoughts like mishaps on the road keep your loved ones at home worried and they keep trying to call on your mobile phone. In this manner, the essence and excitement of the solo trip doesn’t remain the same. However, as humans we know that the emotions and feelings of abiding by the relationship can never be ignored. How to balance the emotions of both the sides – your and the family’s?
Someone has rightly said, “where there’s a will there’s a way”, and here we have a way to fulfill your wish of a solo drive, without making your family worried about your safety during the drive. Go with GPS camera installed in your car with your family having its access. It will let them watch you driving safely through the lanes, streets and highways, along with your location. They won’t need to give you a call every now and then.
You can get a variety of options once you head to the market for the best GPS tracker with camera India and can find them with relevant features. However, it is smart to consider KENT CamEye, a good idea that has been specially designed for the security of a vehicle and safety of passengers. It’s a first- of- its- kind GPS tracker cum car camera that embodies both audio and video capabilities along with location tracking.
KENT CamEye is a 4G-powered, mobile app-based device that keeps the car occupants connected with their loved ones. The app itself becomes the interface of the device and offers various features that can ensure the security of the vehicle and safety of the passengers. It even allows the sharing of the device with multiple users, which could be quite useful if you are going on a solo trip. Here, privacy would be another major concern of yours but it’s been taken care of by KENT.
KENT CamEye meets this need of yours as well. You can set permissions for each of the users so they would get to see only those things which you want them to see. The shared user can view the live or recorded data, according to the permissions extended by you as the device owner.
Let’s see how KENT CamEye can help you to enjoy a peaceful, solo trip, with your family members at home sitting relaxed, without getting stressed about your safety.
Live video streaming: KENT CamEye is integrated with dual cameras, one for in-cabin view and the other for the views outside the car. These cameras allow LIVE video streaming through the app. While sharing the app with your family members, enable them to do the live video streaming of your car. Using this feature, they would be able to watch the real-time video of both the inside and outside view of the car. So, they can be confident about your on-road safety from anywhere in the world without giving frequent calls to ask your whereabouts. On the other hand, you keep enjoying your solo trip.
Location tracking: In India, parents allow you to go for a solo trip, but in lieu, they would ask you to keep updating them with your location. So, instead of adoring the mesmerizing view around, you might remain busy in updating your location to your parents, or other family members. It’s better that you go with a GPS camera, that too the KENT CamEye, because this device would help your parents stay abreast with your real-time location without even disturbing you in the middle of the trip. They can track your location through the app with shared access. Next time when you plan a solo drive, make sure you have installed KENT CamEye in your car. Take in all the delight of your journey while your parents at home stay relaxed without getting stressed about your safety.
For any types of queries, you can contact us on info[at]namasteui.com.