AngularJS Modules

Modules are used to seperate logics and keep the code clean. So we can define modules in separate js file. Here we will create two modules i.e. Controller Module and Application Module. Controller Module: controller.js Here we are declaring a controller userController module using myApp.controller function. myApp.controller(“userController”, function($scope) { $scope.user = { first_name: “Tim”, last_name: […]

HTML DOM – AngularJS

To bind application data to attributes of HTML DOM Elements directives are used: ng-disabled, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-click. HTML DOM Elements directives: ng-disabled: It is used for disabling a given control. <input type=”checkbox” ng-model=”enableDisable”>Disable <button ng-disabled=”enableDisable”>Click Me</button> ng-show: It is used for showing a given control. <input type=”checkbox” ng-model=”showHide”>Show <button ng-show=”showHide”>Click Me</button> ng-hide: It is used […]