How To Launch An eCommerce Store With Minimal Capital?

Launching a successful eCommerce business can be quite challenging. Some estimates peg the failure rate of eCommerce to be over 80%. There are a few reasons why so many businesses fail. Firstly, running an online store requires expertise in several independent functions like supply chain, marketing, technology and accounting. It also requires capital investment in […]

5 Reasons that web design is imperative to the success of a business

Most customers seek information on various products online. A good web design is important in order to reach out to a wider market niche. Your brand is easily recognized online, and potential customers are able to get information and make decisions to buy products depending on your web layout. That is why web design is […]

10 Crucial Tips for Making Your Resume Stand Out from the Crowd

The job-hunting market is the most competitive it’s ever been. Nowadays, a single job can receive hundreds of applications, and HR managers and Recruitment agency in jakarta have the laborious task of trying to pick the right person for the job. However many people apply for your next position, one thing is for certain, your […]