5 Ways Local Businesses can Dominate Social Media Marketing

Social media is considered to be one of the most powerful mass media tools in existence, yet many entrepreneurs and business leaders focusing on their local market fail to recognize the enormous potential of social media for their small business. The truth is that, quite simply, social media can put any business on the proverbial […]

10 actual experimental digital marketing topics for small businesses

It’s been always challenging to prepare marketing strategies for small business. The reason is simple; the risk factor always remains at the peak. Digital marketing is considered safer up to some extents in this regard. However, though one may make the marketing happen at low budget digitally, the competition is indeed tough here in comparison. […]

3 Need-to-Know Features for Effective eLearning Search Functions

Perhaps unsurprisingly to many of use, Google handles over 3.5 billion searches a day, which equates to around 40,000 searches every single second. These are some outstanding statistics and just goes to show the reach that the search engine giant has when it comes to providing people and businesses around the world with the information […]

Unlocking customer intelligence with CRM

Customer intelligence, in short is the process of gathering and analysing information regarding customers, and their details and activities, to build deeper and more effective customer relationships and improve decision-making by vendors. This gathering of data can be done through various means – feedback, survey, Social Media listening, website tracking, etc. Today with smarter tracking […]